Vi har et særligt fokus på vedvarende energi og et indgående kendskab til området. Vores advokater rådgiver alle dele af branchen, herunder multinationale leverandører, handelsvirksomheder og de europæiske energi-frontløbere inden for sol, vind og cleantech.
Vi rådgiver særligt om:
- Internationale forhandlinger
- Udarbejdelse af aftaler vedrørende køb og salg af energi
- Aftaler og tariffer i forbindelse med transport af energi
- Konkurrence- og miljøretlige problemstillinger inden for området
- Olie-, gas- og mineproduktion
- Efterforskning, opbevaring og distribution af energi
NJORD Law Firm focuses on the renewable energy sector with expertise across contentious and non-contentious matters. Thomas Ryhl is an expert in regulatory issues and advised a green technology company on its development of charging stations with an energy company and automobile manufacturer. Claas Thöle is also noteworthy and is highly skilled in renewable energy transactions.
NJORD Law Firm regularly acts for international clients, such as Vattenfall and EWII, in energy-related disputes and transactions in Northern Europe. The team consists of Thomas Ryhl, who is specialised in regulatory matters, and litigator Steffen Hebsgaard Muff, as well as Claas Thöle and Stefan Reinel, both qualified lawyers in Denmark and Germany.
NJORD Law Firm’s practice is jointly led by competition expert Thomas Ryhl and Claas Thöle, who splits his time between the Rechtsanwalt and Copenhagen offices. The team includes Stefan Reinel, whose expertise includes litigation and contract negotiations.