Zu unseren Mandanten gehören sowohl kleinere Gewerbetreibende als auch große internationale Konzerne mit bekannten Markenzeichen, öffentliche Behörden und staatliche Gesellschaften. Wir sind mit den Gegebenheiten in zahlreichen Branchen, in denen unsere Mandanten tätig sind, vertraut,u.a:
- E-Commerce
- Elektronik
- chemische Industrie
- Arzneimittelindustrie
- Nahrungsmittelindustrie
- Möbelherstellung
- Mode und Kosmetik
- Medien
- Unterhaltungsindustrie
Dem Wert immaterieller Güter kommt in vielen Zusammenhängen eine große Bedeutung zu, z.B. bei:
- dem Erwerb und
- dem Verkauf von Gesellschaften
- anstellungs- oder steuerrechtlichen Fragen
NJORD's lawyers have extensive expertise in these areas and offer advice on all aspects.
In addition, we advise on questions of personal rights, i.e. protection of the right to one's own name and image.
We also advise a number of professional players in cultural life and the entertainment industry on the conclusion of contracts, and we support our clients in the formulation of contracts that are later often used as standard tools in the music, theatre and film business.
Due to our many years of experience in Danish-German legal issues, we have special competence in dealing with Danish-German questions relating to intellectual property and personal rights.
Active in litigation relating to all areas of IP law, with a particular focus on the life sciences sector and trade mark matters. Assists with contracts as well as contentious cases. Offers cross-border capabilities with a focus on the Nordic and wider European markets.