Sofia is currently obtaining a bachelor's degree at Tallinn University's Faculty of Law. Since 2021, she has been a member of ELSA (European Law Student Association). In addition to her studies, Sofia has had an internship at the Northern District Prosecutor's Office (Department III). After her internship at NJORD, Sofia joined the office and is mainly involved in assisting various legal teams.


ELSA (European Law Student Association)


2023–        Legal assistant, NJORD Law Firm, Estonia

2023          Intern, NJORD Law Firm, Estonia

2022          Intern, Northern District Prosecutor's Office, Estonia


2021–             Tallinn University, Faculty of Law, BA

2022-2023    Tutor program 

2017-2021       In Down-Town Language School, English


Estonian, Russian, English


*According to Art. 40 (3) of the Estonian Bar Association Act, lawyers and legal assistants do not provide legal services. Lawyers and legal assistants are assisting the attorneys.

Has partner title