NJORD Law Firm's business terms apply to the legal assistance and the assignments undertaken by us, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Conflicts of interest or of loyalty

In accordance with the rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society and our impartiality procedures, we will ensure that no conflict of interest or of loyalty exists before finally undertaking an assignment. If any legal impartiality or conflict of interest should arise during the development of the case, which may result in us renouncing the case, we will of course recommend another lawyer.

Identity information and money laundering

NJORD Law Firm is subject to the rules of the Danish Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism. According to the Act, NJORD Law Firm is under an obligation to collect and store clients’ identity information for five years. Therefore, clients must state their name, address, and CPR or CVR no. when opening a case and, where necessary, provide substantiation thereof. For companies, information about and documentation of beneficial owners must also be provided.

According to the Danish Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, NJORD Law Firm is also under an obligation to investigate transactions if there is any suspicion that these are related to money laundering or financing of terrorism. In this connection, NJORD Law Firm may also be under an obligation to notify the Danish Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and Law Society.

Fees and payment

Legal fees are fixed based on various parameters. Fees will be based on the time spent, the specialist knowledge and expertise of the lawyers involved, the complexity of the assignment and its importance to the client, the values involved, the outcome, and the liability in connection with resolving the matter. Our fees are exclusive of relevant costs and disbursements.

It can be difficult to estimate the total fee when undertaking an assignment. However, upon request we will provide clients – and always consumers – with a reasoned estimate as well as information about the anticipated costs and disbursements, just like we will inform the client as soon as possible if the total fee is likely to exceed the estimate.


Usually, invoicing will take place when the assignment has been completed. Advice on a continuous basis and long-term assignments (on account) will be invoiced at appropriate intervals, often monthly or quarterly, unless otherwise agreed. Terms of payment are eight days from the date of invoice, and VAT will be added in accordance with applicable rules.


As a rule, we request prepayment of disbursements and costs – and in exceptional cases we request prepayment of our fee.

Prepaid fees, disbursements and costs will be deposited on our clients’ accounts and will, inclusive of possible interest, be used in settlement of future invoices and costs, unless otherwise agreed.

Clients’ accounts and guarantee scheme

NJORD Law Firm have clients’ accounts with Nykredit Bank A/S, Danske Bank A/S, Sydbank, Jyske Bank and Nordea Bank A/S. The client is free to choose which bank to use.

In the event of the bankruptcy of a bank, depositors will be covered pursuant to the Act on a Depositor and Investor Guarantee Scheme. The Guarantee Fund covers a legitimate depositor’s funds up to an amount corresponding to EUR 100,000 (approx. DKK 750,000). The maximum coverage applies to the total deposit in the bank, even if the money is deposited on different accounts, including both clients’ accounts and own accounts.

Specific rules apply to deposits concerning real estate if real estate has been used or intended mainly for non-commercial purposes. In this case, amounts up to EUR 10,000,000 are covered until 12 months after the amounts were deposited and regardless of whether the amounts are deposited on separate accounts. Details of the guarantee scheme can be found on the website of the Guarantee Fund,

All client funds entrusted to us are managed in accordance with the rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society and are deposited in client accounts.

Deposits in client accounts are attributed interest - negative or positive - at the interest rate applicable at any given time on our client accounts. Correspondingly, the bank's fees for the establishment of separate client accounts and other fees, including transaction fees, etc., in connection with the bank's administration of accounts, will be charged.

Banks may change the prices of interest rates and fees, as well as set any new fee types for client accounts.


Disbursements and relevant costs in connection with the assistance provided are charged separately to the client.


All NJORD Law Firm’s employees are bound by an obligation of secrecy. Information received in connection with an assignment will thus be treated as confidential in all respects, unless it appears from circumstances that the information is non-confidential.

Use of our advice

Our legal advice is targeted at the specific assignment and is thus not to be used for any other purpose without our explicit prior consent. Unless otherwise agreed, we are only liable to the client for the assistance provided.

Completion of the assignment

NJORD Law Firm will complete the assignment at its natural termination, or when the client requests that the assistance be terminated. However, we reserve the right to discontinue our assistance immediately if the period of credit fixed on our invoices, despite reminders, has been considerably exceeded, or if the client becomes insolvent. We also reserve the right to withdraw from a matter if, in specific cases, we find that we cannot be responsible for the case handling, or if we find that it will be in the best interest of the client to terminate our cooperation.


NJORD Law Firm’s lawyers are subject to the Danish Bar and Law Society’s supervisory and disciplinary system and lawyers’ rules of professional conduct, see Section 126 of the Danish Administration of Justice Act. In addition, the Code of Conduct of the Danish Bar and Law Society applies. The rules that apply especially to the practice of the law profession can be found on the website of the Danish Bar and Law Society,

On 1 October 2015, a new consumer complaints system came into force. For our clients, this means that if a dispute should arise in connection with our cooperation, they can complain to the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society. In case of a dispute over fees charged by NJORD Law Firm and/or dissatisfaction with the conduct of one of NJORD Law Firm’s lawyers, the client can complain about the amount of the fee and/or the conduct to the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society. The Disciplinary Board is an independent complaint board established under the Danish Bar and Law Society, see Section 144(1) of the Danish Administration of Justice Act. Read more about the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society here

Contact information of the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society

The secretariat of the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society, Kronprinsessegade 28, DK 1306 Copenhagen K.


Law and venue

Any dispute between a client and NJORD Law Firm will be subject to Danish law and the jurisdiction of Danish courts.

Liability, limitation of liability, and insurance cover

NJORD Law Firm’s lawyers are granted admission to the Bar by the Danish Ministry of Justice and are members of the Danish Bar and Law Society.

NJORD Law Firm has taken out third-party liability insurance, and a guarantee is provided in accordance with the rules stipulated by the Danish Bar and Law Society. The third-party liability insurance covers any legal practice irrespective of where it may be exercised. The third-party liability insurance has been taken out with CNA Insurance Company (Europe) S.A, policy no. DKFL10524126.

NJORD Law Firm's  liability in connection with legal assistance rendered is limited to a maximum of DKK 50,000,000. The total compensation, which a client is entitled to receive, cannot exceed DKK 50,000,000 for all claims raised by the client within the same calendar year.

Our liability does not comprise financial consequential losses, including operation loss, loss of data, loss of profit, loss of goodwill, degradation of image, etc. or other types of indirect loss.

NJORD Law Firm, its partners and staff are not liable for any errors committed by advisers recommended by NJORD Law Firm, nor are NJORD Law Firm, its partners or staff liable for any errors committed by sub-contractors engaged by NJORD Law Firm with the prior agreement of the client.


Bank: Jyske Bank A/S
Reg. number: 7170
Account number: 02403727
Credit number: 89283469

Foreign transfers

IBAN: DK6371700002403727
CVR: 41 76 01 33

Contact information

Pilestræde 58
1112 Copenhagen, Denmark
CVR: 41 76 01 33

Søren Frichs Vej 38K, 1. sal
8230 Åbyhøj, Denmark
CVR: 41 76 01 33

Godthåbsvej 4
8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
CVR: 41 76 01 33

Algade 55
4000 Roskilde, Denmark
CVR: 41 76 01 33