Lis Raiend's main area of expertise is real estate law. Prior to NJORD Lis worked at a notary office for about fifteen years, where she drew up contracts and other documents and, during the preparation of transactions she also advised clients in the areas of property law, debt law, family law, succession law, and corporate law. Lis assists clients in the planning and execution of all transactions related to real estate, including the conclusion of real estate sales agreements, lease and rental agreements, construction, and design agreements.

In the field of succession law, Lis helps clients to carry out succession proceedings in cooperation with an Estonian notary, to formalize property located in Estonia on the basis of a certificate of succession issued abroad, to divide the estate among co-heirs, and to resolve other issues related to the administration or sale of the estate.

She also assists in corporate law, in particular in drafting documents to be submitted to the Commercial Register, as well as in drafting legal audits of real estate in M&A transactions.


2019–           Lawyer, NJORD Law Firm

2008–2019   Lawyer, Notary Office Erki Põdra and Kätlin Aun-Janisk

2004–2008   Lawyer, Notary Office Triin Lekk, Egle Uri, Ülle Anmann


2016   University of Tartu, the Faculty of Law, BA


Estonian, English


*According to Art. 40 (3) of the Estonian Bar Association Act, lawyers and legal assistants do not provide legal services. Lawyers and legal assistants are assisting the attorneys.

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