"infamous troll" Michael Gleissner is involved in 40 % of all trademark applications in Latvia in 2018
The latest data shows that two companies closely associated with Michael Gleissner - Grigorius Holdings SIA and Fashion One Television SIA - have filed 792 trademark applications with the Latvian Patent Office (LRPV) in 2018. As rampant filing activity continues, this percentage might be even more startling this year.
One might ask why Latvia was chosen as one of the jurisdictions for Mr. Gleissner’s truly prolific activity? The answer is simple. According to Latvian law, all applications are examined in accordance with the absolute grounds for refusal only. Relative grounds for refusal are not examined. Therefore, if the result of expert examination based on the absolute grounds of refusal is favourable, the Patent Office decides to register the trademark.
Of course, these Latvian marks are only registered if a rights holder does not file (and wins) an opposition. Although we have not yet heard about Mr. Gleissner winning any opposition cases, it is needless to say that rights holders are forced to spend money on oppositions. It should also be noted that if a three months opposition deadline is missed, the matter must be referred to the court for full scale proceedings. That would obviously make it even more expensive.
Although mysterious and frustrating, Mr Gleissner’s filings are legal, so we should expect this to continue in Latvia as well as all over the world.