Trademark legal research for others with access to darts-ip
We have extensive knowledge of the trademark prosecution, including all aspects of trademark searches, classification advice, filing of applications, responding to distinctiveness citations and other absolute grounds issues, and lodging and resolving oppositions and other relative grounds issues, including cancellations. Our experience ranges from EUIPO, through the EUIPO Boards of Appeal, and to the General Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union, and we can advise and assist in all aspects of appeals. Further, we have extensive experience in settlement negotiations, including negotiating co-existence and other trademark agreements.
Here are some examples of cases we have handled successfully.
EUTMs registered on the basis of acquired distinctiveness:
For other law firms and trademark owners representing themselves, we can assist in trademark case law support. For oppositions, you can send us the two trademarks at issue, and request support for either similarity or non-similarity. For distinctiveness issues, we can gain support from case law as well as the trademark registers. Our pay-as-you-go prices start at 150 euro. Contact us for a free quote.